Why did Microsoft skip the Windows version 9 and went straight to Windows 10?

In 2015, Microsoft announced the release of Windows 10, which was the successor to the widely-used Windows 8.1 operating system. However, many people were surprised when they learned that Microsoft had decided to skip Windows 9 and go straight to Windows 10. This decision raised many questions about why Microsoft had skipped the number 9, and in this blog post, we will explore the possible reasons behind this decision.

Avoiding Compatibility Issues

One of the most likely reasons Microsoft skipped Windows 9 was to avoid compatibility issues. Many older programs and applications use code that checks the operating system version number to ensure compatibility. By skipping Windows 9 and jumping straight to Windows 10, Microsoft was able to avoid any potential conflicts with these programs and applications that may have been programmed to treat Windows 9 as Windows 95 or Windows 98.

Why did Microsoft skip the Windows version 9 and went straight to Windows  10?

Emphasizing a New Beginning

Another possible reason for the jump from Windows 8 to Windows 10 was to emphasize a new beginning for the operating system. Windows 8 was widely criticized for its interface and the difficulty users had in navigating it. By skipping a version number, Microsoft was able to emphasize the improvements and changes they had made to the operating system and distance themselves from the negative reputation of Windows 8.

Branding Strategy

Some experts speculate that the decision to skip Windows 9 was part of Microsoft's branding strategy. The company may have wanted to create a clear distinction between the older, more traditional versions of Windows and the new, more innovative Windows 10. By jumping from 8 to 10, Microsoft was able to create a sense of excitement and anticipation for the new operating system.

Legal Issues

Another possible reason why Microsoft decided to skip Windows 9 was to avoid legal issues. In some countries, the number 9 is considered unlucky or associated with death. By skipping Windows 9, Microsoft was able to avoid any potential backlash or negative connotations associated with the number.

Aligning with Other Microsoft Products

Finally, some experts suggest that the decision to skip Windows 9 was part of a broader strategy to align the version numbers of Microsoft's products. Many of Microsoft's other products, such as Office 365 and Azure, were already using the number 10 in their version numbers. By aligning the version numbers of their products, Microsoft was able to create a sense of continuity and consistency across their product lines.


In conclusion, the reasons behind Microsoft's decision to skip Windows 9 are not entirely clear, and it is likely that a combination of factors influenced this decision. By avoiding compatibility issues, emphasizing a new beginning, executing a branding strategy, avoiding legal issues, and aligning with other Microsoft products, Microsoft was able to create a sense of excitement and anticipation for Windows 10. Regardless of the reasons behind this decision, it is clear that Windows 10 has been a significant success for Microsoft and has set the stage for the future of the Windows operating system.


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